Who is a Young Woman Representative (YWR)?
Any mature young woman who is preferably 22-35 years of age, a member of the LCMS, and has not previously attended a national convention as a YWR may become a Young Woman Representative.
A YWR has a deep love and devotion for her Lord Jesus Christ and is willing to participate in the full scope of the convention.
A YWR will fill out the application completely and honestly, and return it to the district by the date it is due.
A YWR is willing to be away from home/work for the entire convention and the travel time involved to attend.
A YWR will attend all sessions of the convention, sitting with her district delegation, though she will not be able to vote.
A YWR will be asked to report on her convention experience either orally or in written form to the district, zone or society that nominated her.
A YWR will actively seek to be involved in her local LWML as well as encourage other young women to be active in the LWML