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Early one summer morning, on my way to exercise, I was driving through the north woods and glanced in my rearview mirror. I had just driven through a beautiful early morning mist and didn’t even notice it until I had passed through it.

The LWML North Wisconsin District held their biennial convention in June of this year. We voted for a new Mission Grant Goal, for new officers and pastoral counselor, and for the Mission Grants that we will support during the next biennium, 2024-2026. Looking back on our district convention, our mission speakers from Orphan Grain Train, Camp Luther, Wolf River Lutheran High School, Rev. Kevin Robson, our servant events, Gifts from the Heart, Bible study led by Jan Wendorf, and goals set were mountain top experiences. Now it is time to look forward to meeting the goals we set.

As we meet together to accomplish this, let us remember to keep everything we do Christ centered so that when we look back, we can see the beautiful picture that God has provided for us.

As Lutheran Women in Mission, we joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions, and equip women to honor God by serving others.

Serve the Lord with Gladness!

Joan Berquist

LWML NWD President